It's been a week since I returned home from two weeks in the Mediterranean and I can't believe this is the first time I've been able to blog.
As soon as we got home, I got sick with some intestinal thing. I suspected it could be a parasite, but it went away completely yesterday. There was also the yard. I have someone who helps me with the gardens. He was supposed to do a lot of work while we were gone, but he never came by. Something about ghosts in his house.
But here I am. There's so much to talk about. Italy, Egypt and Greece with lots of pictures to share. Patti Lupone, who performed on our cruise, and the new tv season, including the new guilty pleasure Glee. There's my friend Sheila who does amazing things, and the unbelievable passing of one of the most creative people I've ever met. I want to talk about my birthday and about the fortune cookie I had at P.F. Changs tonight. And then there are my sorta-kinda "step kids" (I can't believe I'm even writing those words).
I'll get to that in the coming days. But there was something in the Miami Herald today that warrants a little rant.
I'm embarrassed for the little city -- Oakland Park -- in which I live. A local chef noticed a small group of homeless gathering in one of the city's parks. The chef, out of the goodness of his heart and at his own cost, started serving them breakfast.
The yokels nearby started to complain. Now you have to understand something. These outdoor breakfasts take place in a somewhat residential area. One side of the park where this takes place -- across the street, actually -- is residential. Immediately abutting the park are some wherehouses and some electrical lines. Across another street is another park.
City officials came down on the guy, telling him he needs a permit. He can do four events a year for free. For the other 361 days of the year, he will have to pay. The cost is $900 per week!
The yokels and the city should be ashamed of themselves. Because we're not talking about hundreds of people. No, not at all. There's only a dozen or so. A DOZEN!
How embarrassing.
What a vacation you had! Happy belated birthday.
Posted by: Rick | September 24, 2009 at 06:55 AM