Sunday's a lazy day for me, so here's a gentle meandering through my life lately. I offer this to bring my handful of readers up to speed, since I haven't been writing lately.
Chi-Town here I come: I'm headed to Chicago in a couple of weeks for a conference. The meeting will be great, but the best part is that I will be in one of our country's greatest cities. Sure, it will be March and still cold as hell. But it's Chicago. And that's good enough.
TV show: Our culinary TV show is on a slight hold while we work through some political nonsense on campus.
Techie guy: With some new money coming in, I went out and splurged on a new Apple Cinema Monitor and a MacBook Pro to go along with it. That may explain why I've been writing...I'm in love with the huge 24 inch monitor.
Vacation plans: Bernardo and Greg were up from Panama last week. In between concerts (Honeyboy Edwards -- amazing at 94; Gladys Knight -- still going strong, and Joan Rivers -- still funny as shit), we discussed taking a vacation together this summer. We travelled so well together on the cruise last year that we wanted to spend that kind of time with each other again. So I think we've settled on Panama for two weeks this summer. Yes, they live there, but there are coastal regions of the country they have yet to see, so that's what we're going to do.
Something new: I don't want to say much, but I can't say nothing -- I'm very excited that I have incorporated a consulting practice. I'm not going to do much with it for the next couple of years, but in time I have some big plans. It's too cool!
Next up: Next weekend will be busy with the opening of the Miami International Film Festival (they have me "hosting" two of the screenings, tickets for Wicked (again) with Susan and Emma, and a birthday dinner for a friend.