What we think, we become.
-- Buddah
I flipped through a book on presentation design just now and a page with this quote jumped out at me. It's so appropriate for what's going on right now.
My life is about to change dramatically.
For the past year, I've been thinking a lot about the idea of entrepreneurship. As I've written in the past, I have been intimately involved with the launch of a brand new culinary school at work. Details are proprietary, but let's just say there's nothing like it out there.
I've been working with the school director, a chef who has owned restaurant and entertainment concepts, who is one of the most creative people I've met. We've become great "sparring partners," in his words. We bandy ideas and concepts around for hours. None of it is in my job description, mind you, but it's been so creative and fun.
And it's opened up my mind to entrepreneurship, and creating something for myself.
Last summer, I was offered a consulting gig for an organization on the west coast. The experience was fantastic and I received such amazing feedback from my client. So for the past few months, I've been working with the same client on related projects. I'm loving it.
So with the encouragement of friends, family and some consulting partners, I have launched my own non-profit consulting company. And if that's not enough, I am working with a couple of business partners to develop another company that will provide a service to the non-profit community.
The dramatic change, though, is that I have decided to do all this full time. I will be giving up a steady paycheck to pursue these dreams.
It's scary, of course. But I'm a careful planner, so I think it will be alright.
Standing at the kitchen counter the other morning, Andy and I were talking with my sister, who is visiting, about what day to submit my resignation. Andy, ever the cautious one, expressed concern about giving up a paycheck.
But my little sister, bless her, looked at me and said, "Everything you have ever touched in your entire life as turned to gold. You make people fall in love with you. You will be successful at this and you should just do it.
So yesterday, I resigned from my job.
I think I am a consultant, so I will become a consultant.
Congrats man... and I envy you! I did the same thing back in 2001, and it was a HUGE success... I never thought of myself that way, but it turned out great!
After wife got ill again, I sold the company to go back to work for the benefits (which covered her until her death last year). Yet I don't regret a single thing... I would do it again in a heartbeat.
I don't want to say "good luck" because it doesn't sound like you need it... So I will say... Do what you do best, and enjoy the rewards!
Posted by: Thomas Rimington | September 11, 2010 at 06:06 PM