With the federal budget deficit and the country's debt out of control (currently over $9 trillion), one would think a little restraint would be in order.
This post could go on and on about the stupid war and pork projects, but I'll spare you. I'm going to focus on one tiny expenditure (relatively speaking) which has my panties in a twist.
The Rubik's Cube.
You remember that insane mind-boggler of a game. But like me, you probably thought it went the way of the pet rock.
No, dears, it's still around. And apparently, the government is interested in it.
You see, previously, computer scientists used to think the puzzle could be solved in 27 twists out of a possible 43 quintillion. Yes, quintillion.
But that wasn't good enough. The National Science Foundation gave $200,000 to Northwestern University to see if the computer geeks there could do it with fewer twists.
And such a return on the NSF's investment! Guess what? It can be done in just 26 twists.
I fail to understand how this advances science at all? With all of the disease in the world that need curing, the alternative fuels that need developing, the equipment the men and women in our military need to keep them safe, couldn't we have found better things to do with $200 grand?
What the brain trust at the NSF doesn't know is that it the puzzle can be solved with no twists. Just peel the damned stickers off.