Yesterday morning at work we had a board meeting and retreat. It was my last official meeting with the board of directors that I pretty much assembled.
As I look back at my years in this job that I'm now leaving, my biggest sense of accomplishment is the board. They had cancelled half of their meetings in the year prior to my arrival, due to lack of interest pretty much.
When I took over, I built it up dramatically, and I have to say, it is a MAJOR group now. I was able to get some boldface names in the business community.
Even though I resigned on Monday, we withheld telling the board so that they could hear it as a group. But on Thursday, I told one of the guys, with whom I was having a meeting. And then I called one of the women.
This power player in the South Florida business community is one of the last people I recruited. We've know each other for a couple of years and are the same age. We've developed a very nice working relationship, wrapped in warmth and playfulness. (I believe playfulness is a key ingredient in success in life.)
So I called M before the board meeting, starting the conversation with, "I need you to act surprised tomorrow..." She was surprised into silence when I told her over the phone that I had resigned.
During the meeting, as my board chair was announcing my departure and future plans, I couldn't look at people. When I did, J, another women with whom I'm working closely, looked at me and mouthed, "Your leaving????" Said aloud, it would have come out as a shout.
And then, in the back of the room, was M. I couldn't see her face directly, but two people reported that when my departure was being announced, she had a tear in eye.
Business relationships rarely elicit such responses, so I'm really touched.